§ 1.1

The DBA Act: avoid false self-employment

The Employment Relationships Deregulation Act (DBA Act) sets out when there is entrepreneurship and when there is salaried and temporary employment. If you work as a zzp’er (self-employed professional without personnel) but do not meet the conditions for entrepreneurship, this is called false self-employment. The Tax Administration will be more strict in combating false self-employment from 2025 onwards. For example, a client may receive a post-assessment after an audit of the books. 2025 is a transition year (in Dutch). From 2026, a client may also receive a fine.

Conditions for entrepreneurship

According to the DBA Act, conditions for entrepreneurship include deciding your own working hours, using your own tools, and not supervising or being supervised by the client’s employees. Think of a writer typing up the text of an advert for their client’s website from home on their own laptop. The client does not employ its own writers.

Do you do work that is also done by employees of the client? That may indicate salaried or temp agency work. Think of a writer typing an article for a magazine at their client’s editorial office, behind a desk, and under the supervision of a chief editor. Or a chef who spends week after week in the kitchen at the same restaurant. 

Consequences of false self-employment

If you, as a zzp’er, have accepted an assignment while not fulfilling the conditions for entrepreneurship, you have false self-employment. If the Tax Administration discovers this, the consequences can be serious for you and your client.

If you have received unjustified tax benefits for entrepreneurs, you must pay them back. Think of the private business ownership allowance (zelfstandigenaftrek) or the tax relief for new companies (startersaftrek). Your client will have to pay payroll tax and pension. You may be entitled to an employment contract with your client. From 2026, your client may also receive a fine.

Preventing false self-employment

The DBA Act states that a self-employed professional and a client must assess their working relationship. Do you collaborate as zzp’er and client? Or as employer and employee? Check whether the assignment qualifies as entrepreneurship.

There are tools for this check:

You can use a model agreement to put your working relationship with your client down on paper. These agreements have been approved by the Tax Administration. The model agreements are valid until the end of 2029. The Tax Administration does not assess new model agreements. Find more information on model agreements.

Enforcement and legislation

In 2025, if a client breaks the rules, the Tax Administration can take action after an audit of the books (in Dutch). Think of a post-assessment for payroll taxes. You will not have to pay taxes retroactively over the period before 1 January 2025, unless you and your client have intentionally violated the law.

The Tax Administration can also give a warning before an audit of the books. That gives the client time to get their books in order. From 2026, the Tax Administration may fine clients for false self-employment.

Changes to the DBA Act are in the pipeline. This should improve and clarify the law. The proposed amendment would introduce a minimum hourly rate for zzp’ers. It also defines more clearly how a client may manage a self-employed professional.


§ 2.1

Income tax brackets and rates changed

What has changed?

Are you an entrepreneur for income tax purposes? The classification of tax rates and tax brackets changed. In 2025 there are 3 tax brackets, each with their own rate. As a result you will pay less tax on the first part of your income. Also, the employment tax credit has gone up. The general tax credit (algemene heffingskorting, AHK) has gone down.

New tax rates

These are the rates you pay in 2025 if you are younger than the AOW pension age:

  • rate in the 1st bracket: 35.82%

  • rate in the 2nd bracket: 37.48%

  • rate in the 3rd bracket: 49.50%

New tax brackets

These are the income thresholds per tax bracket in 2025:

  • 1st bracket: income up to €38,441

  • 2nd bracket: income from €38,441 to €76,817

  • 3rd bracket: income over €76,817

Employment tax credit up

The employment tax credit has gone up to €5,599 in 2025. In 2024 it was €5,532. The amount of the employment tax credit depends on your taxable profit. The amount you can deduct becomes lower if your taxable profit is €43,071 or more.

General tax credit lower

The general tax credit (AHK) has gone down. In 2025, the maximum general tax credit is €3,068. This was €3,362 in 2024. At a minimum income, the maximum deduction applies. The AHK becomes lower if you earn more than the minimum income.

With these adjustments the government wants to make sure citizens and entrepreneurs with a middle income will have more to spend.

SME profit exemption reduced to 12.7% in 2025

Are you a self-employed professional (zzp’er) or SME entrepreneur? And are you an entrepreneur for income tax purposes? The SME profit exemption (mkb-winstvrijstelling) for small and medium-sized companies goes down in 2025. In 2025 you can deduct 12.70% from your profit through the SME profit exemption, in other words your taxable profits will be lower. In 2024 this was 13.31%. This means in 2025 you pay more taxes on your profits.

30% ruling: compensation for expats down to 27%

The tax advantage of the 30% ruling (expat ruling) will go down. It will be 27% from 2027. And the wages you pay your employee must meet a higher standard (inkomensnorm ) to be able to use the expat facility.

The 30% ruling enables you to give your foreign or posted worker a tax advantage, to help meet costs for moving or a higher standard of living. You can pay part of the wages tax-free when you use this facility. You and your employee must meet the criteria of the 30% ruling.

The exact changes in your situation depend on the date on which you started using the 30% ruling for your employee.

If the 30% ruling started before 1 January 2024:

  • You can pay your employee a maximum of 30% of their wages tax-free for 5 years. The income standard remains €46,107 (in 2024, this amount is corrected for inflation yearly).

If the 30% ruling (expat ruling) started after 1 January 2024:

  • In 2024, 2025, and 2026, you are allowed to pay your employee a maximum of 30% of their wages tax-free. The income standard remains €46,107 (in 2024, this amount is corrected for inflation yearly).

  • From 1 January 2027 you may pay your employee a maximum of 27% of their wages tax-free. The income standard is increased to €50,436.

Please note: A different income standard to be eligible for the expat ruling applies to employees aged under 30 with a master’s degree. The current standard of €35,048 will also be increased on 1 January 2027: to €38,388 (this amount is corrected for inflation yearly).

For whom?

  • Entrepreneurs who hire highly skilled foreign workers.

  • Entrepreneurs who post workers with a specific skill abroad.


§ 3.1

Small businesses scheme (KOR)

Do you run a small business in the Netherlands with a turnover of no more than €20,000 per year? You can choose to take part in the small businesses scheme (kleineondernemersregeling, KOR).

If you take part in the small businesses scheme KOR, you

  • do not charge your customers VAT (btw)
  • do not file VAT declarations (in some cases you need to file a one-off VAT return (in Dutch)
  • cannot deduct VAT on business costs and investments

If you participate in the small businesses scheme you will not charge your customers VAT and you do not pay VAT (turnover tax) to the Netherlands Tax Administration (Belastingdienst). You will have less administrative duties for the VAT. This scheme applies to all activities in your company, also if you have different sub-numbers for VAT.

Please note: You may need to review VAT deductions if you start or end participation in the small businesses scheme (in Dutch).

Who can apply for the small businesses scheme (KOR)?

The small businesses scheme is a VAT exemption for:

  • natural persons or partnerships of these (such as sole proprietors, professional partnerships, or general partnerships (VOFs)
  • legal persons (such as foundations, associations, and private limited partnerships (bv’s)

If you want to take part in the KOR you must meet the conditions:

  • You are an entrepreneur for VAT.
  • Your turnover is at most €20,000 per calendar year. To estimate your turnover you can use the Netherlands Tax Administration Dutch-language online tool.
  • Your business is established in the Netherlands

Check if you are eligible for this scheme with the Dutch-language KOR tool. If you make use the KOR scheme, this is for at least 3 years.

The small businesses scheme is not always financially beneficial. For example if you plan to make investments in the near future. You can find more information in Dutch with the Tax Administration (Belastingdienst).

Please note: from 1 January 2025 small businesses must have their main establishment in the Netherlands to participate in the KOR. Small businesses from other EU countries doing business in the Netherlands can participate in the EU VAT scheme for small businesses (EU-KOR).

How to apply for the small businesses scheme

You can apply for the small businesses scheme by completing the Dutch-language digital form Melding omzetbelasting kleineondernemersregeling. You need to login to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk (in Dutch) to access this form. Make sure you apply for it at least 4 weeks before the start of the next return period.

Application threshold

Does your turnover not exceed €1,800 per year? And do you not have to register with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (and you did not register)? You do not have to apply for this measure. You automatically take part in the KOR scheme.

Cancelling participation in the KOR

If you no longer want to participate in the KOR scheme, you must cancel your participation (in Dutch) with the digital cancellation form in Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk (in Dutch).

Does your turnover exceed €20,000? In that case you must notify the Tax and Customs Administration (in Dutch) immediately. You will be subject to VAT.

Who can apply for the European small business scheme (EU-KOR)?

Small businesses doing business in other EU countries can participate in the European small business scheme (EU-KOR) (in Dutch) if they:

  • have an annual turnover in a country below the local threshold
  • have a total annual turnover less than € 100,000
  • do not participate in other VAT return schemes

You apply to participate in the EU-KOR with the Netherlands Tax Administration if your business is established in the Netherlands. You apply through Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk (in Dutch).


§ 4.1

Requesting a Provisional Tax Assessment 2024

(Voorlopige aanslag)

This is recommended if you expect to have to pay tax and you do not or cannot provide us with the full tax information before MARCH 15, 2025. This way you save on tax interest.

  • Provide us with an estimate of your expected income from employment, other income, and anticipated business profits for the year 2024 (in case I do not have it yet).

  • If you have more than €57,000 in assets (cash, shares, and property other than your residence) as of January 1, 2024, please provide us with the 2024 annual statements.

  • Additionally, provide us with the expected paid mortgage interest and the anticipated mortgage balance as of December 31, 2024.

Send it to office@novembertax.com

Requesting a Provisional Tax Assessment 2025

(Voorlopige aanslag)

This is recommended if you expect to have to pay tax and you do not or cannot provide us with the full tax information before MARCH 15, 2026. This way you save on tax interest.

If you received a provisional tax assessment from the Tax Administration last year, it will be sent to you again automatically.

In all other cases:

  • Provide us with an estimate of your expected income from employment, other income, and anticipated business profits for the year 2025.

  • If you have more than €57,000 in assets (cash, shares, and property other than your residence) as of January 1, 2024, please provide us with the 2024 annual statements.

  • Additionally, provide us with the expected paid mortgage interest and the anticipated mortgage balance as of December 31, 2025.

Send it to office@novembertax.com